sexta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2008


YES, WE CAN was the most famous statement the world, especially the people from the US, had heard in the latest months. The voices were getting louder and louder as long as the decisive day was coming. And when it finally arrived we had the chance of watching the crowd really emotioned, shouting for his name.
I'm sure people everywhere had not seen a scene like that one the TV showed us on November 11th. Happiness was so evident when Barack Obama was aclaimed president of the United States of America - the most powerful man in the world.
I really wish him the best of luck. Of course he will need it a lot, if we consider the country is facing a number of problems.
From the deep of heart I hope he is able to give a solution to the most of americans who trust him.

by Darlene de Freitas

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